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123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001
Our ecosystem of dedicated partners offer the tools, connections, resources, and support every entrepreneur needs to start and scale their business.
What if every person in Orange County was inspired–and equipped–to pursue entrepreneurship? To see it as a realistic means of creating a better life for themselves, for their families, for their entire community?
So we got to work!
We brought together a strategic group of partners with similar visions but distinct pathways to entrepreneurship. Together, we complemented each other’s strengths, resulting in a no-wrong-door approach where anyone, regardless of background, experience, or business aspirations, can make significant progress along their entrepreneurial journey. From side hustles growing into full-time businesses, to small businesses wanting to scale, to someone who has never considered entrepreneurship an option–and everything in between–we can illuminate a pathway that fits their needs.
So, with seed funding from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) and the support of Senator Josh Newman (CA-29th District), the NorthSTAR (Systems To Access Resources) Collaborative was born.
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Get the resources, tools, courses, and support you need to make your business dreams a reality. Our collaborative partners are ready to illuminate your path and help you overcome barriers.
Get funds for critical startup costs like: